Sunday, October 18, 2009

View from the downstairs patio

This little movie is a 360 degree pan of the view from the downstairs patio. The patio is covered and is a nice place to sit in the shade or when it is raining. It is comfortable for our morning coffee and my after breakfast cigar. The lighting is not the best as it was very sunny at the time the picture was taken. The mountains in the background are not as clear as I would like. Maybe I'll take another movie another day when it is not so sunny. The mountains are so high or the clouds so low that the mountain tops are frequently covered by clouds. Note that I start and stop the video on our little blue Suzuki Swift. This little car has brought us the 4,405 km from Toronto to Oaxaca without incident and brings us up the hill (must be 50%+ grade) to our house every day.

1 comment:

winniedozois said...

Wow the view is amasing from you patio. Glad to see you are enjoying your selves. Hope you solve your money problem Ralph. Hope all is well with you, The storm sounded like a good one. Right now the weather has warm up some a high of 10 cel. Well so long for now love you both Mom.xxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooo