Saturday, January 16, 2010

Clutches of Missourians

As Ralph mentioned, our friend George is here for a visit, and George happens to enjoy mountain walks. Ralph and I had not yet been to the town of Benito Juarez(which, by the way, has nothing to do with the famed man himself, other than they named a town after him.), and there was evidently a few hikes one could go on from this small town, part of the Benito Juarez National Park. George, having arrived Monday, was warned about the potential condition of the road to get there. However, we did not warn him about what one could find on the side of said roads. Along with the usual chickens, dogs, sheep, goats, and cows, this trip allowed us a fine view of a new form of wildlife: a clutch of Missourians. I know, so exciting! As we approached the second grouping, we stopped the car slightly downhill from the grouping to hopefully get a picture of this rare sighting before they scattered. Success:

Having passed their nesting minivan by the side of the road, we can confirm that yes, this is definately a clutch of Missourians. As they look similar to other clutches that flock here during winter from the North, the confirmation sighting of the nest was a blessing, really!


winniedozois said...

Excellent view wow. Wow what a bridge, was it made of wood? Look's like it was long and shake. Was it long to cross. Like i said to Steve carry me, his reply in your dreams. What kind of hat do you have on your head Tan.? Ralph sounds like you are having a great time with the locals. Amazing pictures. Wating for more. Were the trout delicious? LOve you both Mom. xxxxxxxxxxxxooooooooooo

Ralph said...

What hat? Windy long hair maybe. The bridge is thick wood planks and braided steel wire supports. A luittle bouncy but very stable. The trout were fantastic. We forgot to take a picture again. We just pounced into them and didn't think about the picture until I was having a coffe and cigar afterwards.