Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wall Art - Pick a Topic, any topic

Today as I was walking home from the vet's office, I passed by this great mural I had been meaning to take a picture of for months. Every time I had passed by before, there was a car parked of the lighting as bad, or something.

The mural is about the national legalization of abortion. In Oaxaca they passed the law last year to legalize abortion. Before that, the only place that you could safely and legally get an abortion was Mexico City.

Also on the way home was this stencil. During the woman's march, which now seems literally decades in the past, there were quite a few very impressive stencils. I had seen this one at the time and I walk by it every morning but again, timing is everything.

Other than Benito Juarez, our glorious son of Oaxaca, first indigenous president of Mexico, sporting a blue face covering at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, I've not seen any novel corona virus specific wall art.

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