Wednesday, May 13, 2020

A Social Media Rant. Language Alert

My Mama told me that if you couldn't say anything nice, that you shouldn't say anything at all. Now, I don't always follow that rule, but most times I find it a good rule of thumb to apply before I open my mouth, or as is the case over the last few days, respond back to a comment via social media. I try to recognize the difference when a person is sharing a story with me, are they looking for ideas about a solution or they just want me to listen? I try to consider if whatever less-than-kind comment I would make is really going to change whatever opinion, view or thought that the person had in the first place.

Occasionally, though, you just can't help yourself.

Today, a woman took to social media to have herself a little rant about WalMart's lack of delivery in Oaxaca. Kind of an important share and rant considering that right now, more people than ever are turning to home delivery options. My sister-in-law had shared a hysterical story about putting in a $40 grocery order and a week later the delivery arrives and it's onions and peanuts because they were all out of everything else on her list.

After reading through the 10 or so comments, what I wanted to comment was: Let Mrs. X shop wherever the fuck she wants to spend her money.

Today, someone else posted that to make some extra money, they were offering to make (from scratch), cookies from Argentina, 6 for 100 pesos, and deliver them in the downtown area of Oaxaca. Alfajores. One of my favorites. Isn't that nice? Home made cookies to your doorstep. Don't they look good?

Someone posted in reply the name of a shop that sells them. Not a shop that sells this particular person's cookies, just that the cookies can also be found at this shop. What I wanted to reply: Are you fucking kidding me? Who the fuck cares where else the cookies may or may not be sold. This poster wanted to offer something to sell. Don't want to buy? Then shut the fuck up.

Two people commented to a post I had shared about vaccinating 16 puppies at the refuge. Basically about the importance of keeping the vaccines cold, which we had done upon our vet's instructions. So, two people who were not there, who did not ask for clarification and made assumptions based on pictures posted, proceeded to give me a "mini-lecture" about the importance of keeping the "chain of cold". I think it was the "!!!" at the end of one comment that made me growl. What I felt like commenting: Once you have dog-poop-mud in your mouth and you smell like dog shit, have a dog piss on you while you are holding him to give him his vaccine, are covered in fleas from holding a puppy that might be crippled that someone dropped off and you are wondering if you give her a week to see if she can get herself sorted or bring her to the vet now and have her put down, have carried in three 25 kilos bags of dog food and it is barely 11 in the morning, then bitches, you can use three exclamation points in a response. Until I see you at the refuge or get your check in the mail, take your "!!!" and shove them where the sun don't shine.

But instead, I blogged, ate home made pizza and stayed hydrated.

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