Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Snow. How Quaint.

  • I will not slam on the brakes on the highway when there is shade or pavement change colors, thinking that I about to launch over a tope.
  • I will not, when someone tries to pass me on the left, drive half on the shoulder of the road and indicate I am OK for them to pass by putting on my left signal light.
  • I will refrigerate my eggs.
  • I will wear socks.
  • I will not balk at prices.
  • I may never be able to stop converting all prices I see to pesos, and then comparing that with prices from Oaxaca and considering that the pair of black ankle boots I saw in Brown's last night would pay for my living expenses for a whole month in Oaxaca.
  • I will not complain about the snow. Storm, actually, currently outside the office window.
Actually, the snow last night was one of those magical snows, where it's not too cold out, and the snow falling is light, and there is no wind, and as it falls it sparkles like diamonds. It was pretty and nostlagic and made me miss home a bit. A bit. I miss the sun and the mountains of Oaxaca, too.


Angela Rose Lapierre said... poor poor sistah :) I was eagerly awaiting the blog about your adventures back into least you know that it is nly for a week...I am sure you are already planning how you could arrange for another 6 months next winter :) xxx

winniedozois said...

Like Angis said poor you. Only for a week you should be glad you can take a shower with pressure, and flush your paper down the toliet, and not run after the garbage truck. But missing the sun and mountains i can understand that part to. Because Mexico sure has it good points and bad ones to. Like ever place does. But a light snow fall is also beautiful. Have a safe flight. Talk to you soon. Love and miss you both Mom. xxxxxxxxxxooooooooooooo