My friend John and I went to the village Benito Juarez in the mountains north of the city. We drove through Teotitlán, the rug village, without having to detour like the last time we were there. When I was there before with my friend George in January it was a little cold. This time it was very beautiful.
We stopped at the tourist office and payed the 50 peso entrance fee to go up to the lookout point. We did not take a guide this time and we drove up to the top of the hill. We walked over the rope bridge and looked at the zip lines. They are very high.
After that we drove to Lutuvi for a fresh trout lunch. The kitchen was closed but the lady from the house came over and open up for us. I helped her catch the fish for our lunch.
There was a 3 year old about 3 fee tall helping his mother. The mother was working alone very quickly. The little boy played and watched us. After some time the lady disappeared. When she came back she was carrying the little boy on her back. He was sleeping. She continued preparing lunch with the boy on her back. She was marvelous.
Like always, the trout was fantastic.
Then we drove to Guelatao de Juárez, the birth place of Benito. The villafe named Benito Juárez has nothing to do with the person, Benito Juárez who was never ever there. In addition to the statues of Benito, the only thing of interest was 2 ducks copulating.
We bought some soft drinks from a little store then we drove home. It was a long day but fun!
Versión español
Like i said Ralph in the last blog, you would fine something to keep you busy. Sounds like you have a great time ever time you go there. How do you catch the fish, do you catch it with a line and a hook or with a net, as you Know Steve ask that question. We are having a beautiful day with a high of five wow. Caring a three year old on your back and working at the same time is not easy, she must have a strong back to do that. Wow what a woman. So long for now Mom. Love and miss you.xxxxxxxxxoooooooo
The fishing is with a net that catches most of the fish in the pond after which you pick out the big ones.
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