So off they went leaving Tanya home to work.
The plan was to drive to Fortin de las Flores and stay overnight with Tanya's step-grand-mother then drive into Veracruz the next day. One overnight in Veracruz and then back to Oaxaca,
The drive out of Oaxaca on the Tuesday was great. The weather was clear and there were very few cars and trucks on the road. We made very good time (IE I drove very fast). George was amazed at the change in geography as we approached the state of Puebla and then again as we approached the state of Veracruz. In Puebla there is a big volcano with snow on the top year round. It is an outstanding view. Of course we were looking for "The Italian Coffee Company", a Starbucks clone. We didn't come across one until near the Veracruz/Puebla border. That made George very happy.
The only other event on the drive was being flagged over at a military stop where I was asked for my car permit and to search the trunk. I think that is what the guy was saying. I didn't understand all of what he was saying. I just pointed to my Temporary Import Permit on the front window and opened the trunk for them. After a quick poke around our bags and a guy at the back saying "Ontario" as he pointed at my plate, we were off. They probably didn't want to go through all of the trouble trying to converse with me.
Before going into Fortin we stopped in Córdoba which is next to Fortin and much larger. At the Zócalo we had lunch and coffee.
Off to Fortin. Anyway, we were having a great visit with the family. George and I were fluently conversing in Spanish with Laura, Tonia, Jessica and Nona (grand-mother). Then Nona says, "Do you want to walk to the bridge?". I say yes. I have been there a few times before and think that George would like the view. The road bridge and train bridge cross over a deep valley where after walking 350 steps down there is a public swimming pool. Of course it is too cold for swimming. Nona hands me a cigar and says, Let's go. Hey, I like the cigar bit. I check the label, it says "It's a girl" (in Spanish). But it is fresh and smokes nicely. Nona says she has had the cigar for 5 years. Did I mention how humid it gets in Fortin? It must be like a humidor.
Down the street and up onto the highway we go. It is a half kilometer walk along side roaring traffic to the bridge. The bridge is named "Bridge of Love". I don't know if anyone really jumped from there. I learned that when the bridge was being built people buried their dead in the cement. That was supposed to have good karma.
Anyway, there is a viewing spot, a small store and parking for tourists.

Okay, enough of this and besides it is starting to rain. Back we go to the house. We have supper, more conversations and then Mimi arrives with Lety. I have not seen Mimi since she left Toronto a few years ago. She wants to come back to Toronto soon. Nona pulls out some old family documents. Her family came to Veracruz in 1881 along with a number of other Italian immigrants. Nona's family actually begins in Russia where they immigrated to Italy. After Mimi leaves uncle Manual drops in for coffee and some conversation.
It is past 11:00 pm when we go off to bed. We sleep late and don't get going until 9:00 am. No coffee or breakfast which disappoints Nona. She knows that we are off to Veracruz and do not have a lot of time. She wishes us a safe trip.
Back on the road again. The city of Veracruz is only an hour away. We arrive at 10:00 am but it takes us a Little time to find the hotel.
The traffic is crazy down town. No parking in sight when suddenly a guy waves us into a tiny spot. Whoa! That was great. So off we trot looking for the Zocalo. We haven't had breakfast so brunch is calling.
Off we go. We run the gauntlet past all of the street vendors along the way. The views are wonderful and the sun is shinning brightly with gentle sea breezes. The walk turned out to be very long, about 2 km. Anyway, we arrive. I see that my memory has faded. Although the aquarium is big and has those spots where the fish and sharks swim over you, this is not like the Boston aquarium. Still it is impressive.
There is lots of shopping in the building which suggests that we go to a mall.
Back to the hotel for a quick change then back to town. We take a taxi this time because there will be drinking. The Zocalo is different in the evening. There are more music groups then diners in the cafes. There are 3 groups playing and they are all within 4 tables of us. The music and singing blends into one large orchestra. The passing vendors are selling Rolex watches, Cuban cigars, peanuts, hammocks and other food items. The place is crazy with sounds, colours and people. We love it. Of course I buy a box of Romeo and Juliette, robustos. The guy wants 350 pesos for them . We settle on 300 pesos which means that the cigars are about 1 dollar each.
After supper which is about 10:30 pm we decide it is time for coffee and desert. We find a taxi and order him to take us to a "The Italian Coffee Company" in the Boca Del Rio area (near our hotel). We have a coffee and carrot cake. For some reason the waiter at the cash thinks my request for Pastel Zanahoria is funny. But a smart quick girl behind the counter runs back to the kitchen and returns with a whole cake. She understood my request and jumped upon it. Great service. My Spanish must be good.
It is midnight by the time we are ready to go because I had one of the cigars. It was very good. So a taxi ride back to the hotel and off to bed.
I am up by 8:00 am. By 9:00 am George and I are in the breakfast room overlooking the grounds and the sea. George loves sitting in the sun looking off to sea.
Now it is time to leave. We head back up to the hotel and check out. Off we head home.
What a great trip.
1 comment:
Wow Ralph i am quite impressed again. Looking good Ralph. all that walking and touring around looks good on you, The view from the bridge is amazing. A train came by so cool. I think trains are cool, and the sound of the whistle is also very cool. Love all the picture's. The view from your hotel was wow, looking over the sea, i would be eatig ever meal from that baloncy. Glad to here you have no sock's with your sandles, does not look cool, and like i say how French. I sure someone and to twist your arm only once to have that piece of cheese cake. the weather is very F. cold, sorry for the langage. Have a safe trip on Monday. Look's like everbody that has gone to Mexico to vist will talk about theie adventers for a long time, so very cool of you and Tan. to know all the wow places. Thank's once again, it's like i have gone to visit, even without going. Love you both. Mom. xxxxxxxxxooooooooooo
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