Monday, November 2, 2009

Bamboozled in Guadalajara

We were told when we first arrived in Mexico, that when we flew out of Mexico, we simply forfeited our visitor visa, and upon re-entry, we would be provided with a new one. Simple, right? Well, it's simple if you know that when you board your international flight out of Mexico, the airline simply takes your visa. Nothing more is required.

When I disembark in the hottest freaking airport I have ever been in my whole life (Guadalajara), a chimed voice on Mexicana tells me that if I have an connecting international flight, that I should pass some customs and go to my other gate. When I checked in for the flight in Oaxaca, the Mexicana agent told me I would pass immigration in Guadalajara. Now before I go on, let's be clear on terminology. Immigration (starts with an "I") is the people who make sure you don't enter a country illegally. Customs (I know, confusing, starts with a "C") is the agency that makes sure you are not bringing any goods into a country that are prohibited. Like salami, for example, into Canada.

On arriving in Hot Airport From Hell, I start looking for an information booth. None on the floor I am on. I figure I'll go downstairs, where the baggage claim is. I see Customs. I walk over to two Federalis with the traditional guns in their adorable green camo outfits. Now imagine this. I am explaining that I am Canadian, living in Oaxaca for 6 months, going to the US for one week and then returning to Oaxaca. I explain I was told when I entered Mexico that I would have to forfeit my tourist visa when I flew out of the country.

Blank stares. They refer me to the woman at customs, who is not there. While waiting, another crowd control person asks what I am waiting for. He explains I need to go to Immigration. Walk to the end of the hall, he says.

And so I walk. Did I mention how hot this airport was? I arrive at Immigration. The man is leaning back in his chair. I ask him if he speaks English. Nope. I explain (again - third time is a charm, right?) my question. He tells me that I have to pay 263 pesos to exit the country. He points to the sign. The sign says if a person with a foreign passport has LOST their tourist card, they need to pay a fine to exit the country. I explain that I did not lose the card, I had the card. He says that no, this is the process. My Spanish is good, but my confidence in the process is not. I debate. Internally. Tell him he's full of crap and risk that when I try to get back into Mexico they won't let me in? I consider the price. $263 pesos. About $25 bucks. Not huge. I decide to pay, this time. He fills out the form, gives it to me, keeps my tourist card and then tells me my Spanish is excellent.

The back of my new form says that this form should be provided to me free of charge. That if I am charged for said form I should report this to the authorities. And so I will. I will write to some Mexican office and tell them I was bamboozled out of $263 pesos. It won't change anything. I hope the $263 pesos goes to buy something pretty for a girlfriend or a daughter. Maybe flowers for his mother.


Ralph said...

I wonder what would happen if on the plane you did not give up your visa and when returning you used it at immigration in Mexico? It really is difficult getting a straight answer on the process.

Angela Rose Lapierre said...

Thank God you know how to speak Spanish - and can convert pesos to dollars in your head - cause I would have you speak much...that was not in my budget....

winniedozois said...

Well you got in for free love, but tring to get out is a bigger problem then you taught. Sounds like you go throuhgt a adventure everyday. Life is full of excitment. How did your speech go? love and miss you. Mom.xxxxxxxxxoooooooooo